Friday, 23 April 2010

Red Rot.

I was interested in the diseased leaves.

Brown Apples

The apples gradually imploded and turned to brown and black.

Sunday, 18 April 2010


I was interested in the subtle decay colours that form on lemons.

Yellow plate.

A further study of decaay rings.

Decay Rings

In this work I began studies on the formation of rings of decay.

Apples and Lemons.

In this work I have included the 'memory' of leaves which fell during the decay process.

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Another table cloth.

This was one of the first of the fruit series started in the summer of 2009. The painting was another attempt at reducing the sophistication and intellectualisation of my work.As I age and decay within myself, simplicity seems to be a direction I must take. The esotericism of my early work has often been used as a criticism against me. Of course, I still remain in two minds as to which is my correct course.

Black Peaches.

In this work there is a combination of actual and remembered imagery and is the product of several reworkings as the decay progressed. It was neccessary to work on several similar works at the same time. Work on individual canvasses was suspended at the point when previous and 'current' imagery balanced out.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Single peach.

This work has a more abstact emphasis. I became involved with the brush strokes involved.

White peaches.

A blue/white mould invaded this still life. I took this as the theme.

Yellow Plate.

This was the first in the series. Underpainting is a significant factor in this work.

Black Leaves.

Most fruit tends towards a variety of greys and blacks. The direction of decay does not seem to have fixed principles.

Table cloth.

In a recent attempt to simplify my work, I decided to engage upon a series of still lives on the subject of 'Decay.